Responding rapidly to change and the customer requirement

Predicting and preventing network pain points – Part 5 In our fifth and final blog post of the network pain points blog series, we consider the need to respond rapidly to change and the ability to do so to optimise network performance and increase customer satisfaction. For small and agile companies it can be easy … Continued

Maintaining consistency and clarity in a converging market

Predicting and preventing network pain points – Part 4 This post, our fourth in the network pain points blog series, examines why third party systems, which provide a consistent and honest view of multiple operators, are imperative. How do you know what version of the truth you’re getting? Is your view of the network a … Continued

Deploying predictive analytics to improve the customer experience

Predicting and preventing network pain points – Part 3 In the third part of our network pain points blog series, we look at the advantages of deploying predictive analytics and why any analytical system can benefit from the application of streaming analytics. Streaming analytics has become an ever more critical element of any real-time system. While … Continued

5 ways to predict network pain points

Predicting and preventing network nightmares Despite a solid performance from network operators over the London 2012 Olympics, last year saw a few incidents of network outages, which caused considerable chaos and fall out among the mobile consumers. In some instances, it took up to 24 hours to identify the problem and rectify the situation. If … Continued