Product Update

New features in Zen 6.1

Empowering engineers to take control of their network management   In our latest point release of Zen Operational Intelligence Software, we introduce a range of new features designed to give engineers greater control of their network management.   New alerting functionality delivers more meaningful insights Zen 6.1 introduces automated aggregated alerting functionality. As well as … Continued

Introducing Zen 6 – Integrated Network and Customer Experience Analytics Software

July 2016 sees the launch of Zen 6, the latest addition to our software suite, bringing together CSPs network and customer data into one centralised application for the first time. Zen 6 gives operators the ability to auto-correlate key customer-centric data sources with traditional network data sources, and identify the issues that truly impact a … Continued

SysMech launch Zen 5.3 end-to-end network analytics platform

SysMech launch Zen 5.3, a platform upgrade packed full of new features designed to give enhanced data insights to CSPs at a rapid rate.   With new technologies to monitor, and new services to optimize, every second counts for mobile network operators. In the latest version of Zen, users can benefit from new visualisation functionality, … Continued


As a telecoms professional of 14 years, I can honestly say that SysMech’s Zen toolset is one of the best performance evaluation platforms I’ve used to date. It allows for a multitude of datasources to be viewed e.g .RAN, TX & Core, allowing the user true end to end capability.

Paul Christie – NEM Engineer – Vodafone Ireland