Telecom Solutions

Zen Telecom Solutions

A complete end-to-end view of the network as the foundation to systems consolidation

Industry Needs

The rapid launch of new technologies and services within the telecoms market has left many network operators with a common challenge; a highly complex, multi-technology, multi-vendor network to manage via numerous toolsets that are no longer fit for purpose.  To tackle this challenge some network operators may choose to continue extending their toolsets with each new technology – but this just magnifies the problem further. Some may even try to develop their own in-house solution – but this is slow and expensive. The operators that are doing it right are choosing Zen, a centralised network management software solution that consolidates all data sources into one platform to deliver actionable, operational insights at the network, service and customer levels.

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Zen Operational Intelligence

Zen is an end-to-end operational intelligence solution, originally designed and built for the telecommunications industry. It provides network operators with one central window from which they can monitor, analyse and manage all their communication services via interactive dashboards and reports.

Zen collects data from any network element, EMS or third party solution, and utilises Intellect, Zen’s patented data correlation engine, to provide operational insights at the network, service and customer levels. This powerful data correlation engine enables excellent service modelling, which in turn allows network engineers to automatically monitor and alert upon service level performance indicators, faults, and performance degradations.

Zen OSS Transformation

Zen’s approach to replacing the logic of legacy tool sets is to use a flexible ‘co-exist and replace’ approach to OSS transformation. This enables CSPs to initially run Zen over the top of existing toolsets, then activate their application logic within the Zen platform, utilmately retiring the legacy toolset completely.

By taking this approach, CSPs can easily tailor their OSS transformation in line with their immediate strategic requirements. Whether introducing a new technology, centralising performance management tools, or delivering a service-centric operational model.

Across all network domains and vendors, Zen replaces the complete functionality found in legacy network tools:


Proven in Tier 1 Operators

We know there are a handful of tools on the market today that claim to provide end-to-end service visibility and impactful operational intelligence. However only Zen can provide this to hundreds of users without the need for programming skills.

Zen’s graphical user interface is used daily by our strong customer base across the UK and Ireland to independently create new reports, dashboards, custom monitored groups and automation scenarios.

Use Cases

Take time to browse the following comprehensive use cases to see the benefits Zen is delivering right now.

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