Government & Large Enterprise

Industry Needs

Networks, the applications, data exchange and services that they support touch every aspect of our working and daily lives. Whether you are taking a physical journey – by road, air or rail, consuming a utility or taking an online digital journey whilst mobile, from the office or at home there are network and compute resources underlying all services you encounter. These must be carefully monitored 24×7 to utilise current capacity effectively and provide for future demand, whilst ensuring that any operational problems are addressed before they create issues or outages that impact the public, your customers, or your business.  

Zen Network Performance & Fault Management

Zen provides Insight into the performance of large, evolving, enterprise and safety critical networks helping to assure adherence to demanding SLAs. Zen Integrates with many thousands of next-generation, current and legacy devices, monitoring for deviations from thresholds and proactively identifying anomalies from expected behaviour on Impulse. Zen utilises its in-built Intellect to consolidate faults into actionable alerts, prioritise resolution and initiate automated remediation activities.

Key features & benefits

Operational Analytics across all domains

Zen provides complete end-to-end visibility of the operational status of your network, IT infrastructure and services and is the foundation to systems consolidation. Decades of event mediation expertise and a modern scalable framework means Zen can put data from any domain, vendor, or technology into the hands of hundreds of users from all aspects of a business.

Alert on KPI Breaches to achieve SLAs

Zen monitors KPIs based on any individual metric, or perform rapid calculations across multiple metrics that form a KPI. The results are evaluated for deviation from group or entity specific thresholds, generating alerts for any KPI breach. The alerts are handled within the Zen Fault Management UI or fed to an existing Fault Management or automation platform.  

Detect Abnormal Behaviour as data is ingested

Network problems can be short-lived or emerge over time before becoming an issue. User driven analytics are unlikely to identify many of these anomalies fast enough to react. Zen analyses data against a growing number of evolving models as it is ingested. These models can adapt to network growth dynamically and alert you to anything unusual that requires further investigation or be used to initiate automated remedial actions.

Pinpoint the Root Cause of a service impacting problem

Zen’s patented proximity correlation engine can help you to identify the root cause of an ongoing performance issue or fault. Considering factors such as time, class of equipment, class of service and topological relationship between problematic entities users can configure root cause detection scenarios via a user interface without the need for any programming knowledge.

Align to Strategic Transformation objectives with a flexible implementation

Zen network performance and fault management is vendor agnostic and can access data from almost any source. This means the solution can be integrated directly with devices or Element Management platforms, implemented as a stand-alone solution on top of a strategic data lake, or deployed as part of a wider Zen Operational Intelligence platform, enabling future-proof transformation.

Use Cases

Geographical network topology status and drill-down

Drill-down dashboards allow engineers to visually identify under-performing areas, drill down to the affected sites and entities and check current and historic performance..

SLA Breach Monitoring

Quickly understand potential service level breaches and address them before they incur significant consequences. Obtain global or group summaries or see how an individual client is affected.

Alarm Handling

Access Fault and Performance Alerts and Root Causes from all sources relating to ongoing network and service issues; low level and underlying alarms can be automatically hidden but still retained for reference, analysis, or future scenario definition. Benefit from automated alarm reduction and integration with Trouble Ticketing platforms.

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