Telcos, what are your priorities for 2014?

–      Correlating fault management information with customer experience? And if not, why not?  Many businesses are winding down for Christmas, but numerous others, like us, are busy working out the focus areas for next year. Are you in the midst of your planning, and if so, what are your priorities for 2014? Network optimisation will … Continued

Why end-to-end network visibility needs to be on your Christmas list

– How Vodafone UK uses insight into the customer experience to meet the needs of a constantly changing business Is end-to-end network visibility on your Christmas wish list this year? It should be. With many executives being measured on customer satisfaction indicators, real-time operational analytics is relevant to every CXO position within a company. In telcos … Continued

5 ways to predict network pain points

Predicting and preventing network nightmares Despite a solid performance from network operators over the London 2012 Olympics, last year saw a few incidents of network outages, which caused considerable chaos and fall out among the mobile consumers. In some instances, it took up to 24 hours to identify the problem and rectify the situation. If … Continued