Why network operators are taking a localised view to planning and optimising their networks

Network planning and optimisation has never been more important within the telecoms industry; new competition, shrinking profits and higher customer demand means operators need to improve their service performance, whilst at the same time minimising their expenditure. This is driving new approaches to planning and optimisation, in which network engineers are utilising more diverse data … Continued

What will telecoms networks look like in 2030?

With the launch of 5G planned for 2020, it is the year we are all talking about! But what impact will it have on the telecoms landscape of the future? In this blog, we look further ahead to telecoms networks in 2030.   2030 may seem a long way off, but twelve years can fly … Continued

NOC vs SOC – The changing role of the telecoms operations centre

Today’s mobile network operators are certainly familiar with change within their operations centres; they have rapidly transitioned from a single technology, single service network to a multi-technology, multi-service network in just a few decades. And now they face their next big operational change; the advent of the Service Operations Centre (SOC). So what is a … Continued

Is network performance management in telecoms dead?

Network operations centres (NOC’s) have been around since the early 1960’s; operators would monitor the status of switchboards for the most important toll switches and routing information. In essence, this was the earliest form of network performance management within telecoms. Over the past 50 years NOC’s have changed a lot, but network performance management has … Continued

The A – Z of Mobile Network Analytics

The telecommunications industry has hundreds, if not thousands of terms and abbreviations that are used on a daily basis. And as the industry evolves, that number is set to grow. In this A-Z we drill down to some of today’s top terms in Mobile Network Analytics. From the well-known ones like Big Data and Hadoop, … Continued