Big data as a revenue generator? Are we really still talking about this?

I can’t believe we’re still discussing big data as a revenue generator in late 2014. Organisations should have made this part of normal business practice years ago but many are yet to make the step from collecting big data to analysing it – and ultimately utilising it. Telcos, in particular, have an enormous opportunity to … Continued

SysMech, on Powering SON

The SON universe is getting bigger. According to the recent Self-Organizing Networks (SON) Ecosystem: 2014 – 2020 report, SON revenue is expected to grow to more than $3 Billion by the end of 2016, exceeding conventional mobile network optimization revenue by over 20%. Why are SON revenues forecasted to be so high? Because of the multitude and complexity of … Continued

2 Minutes with…. Mark Slinger

Mark Slinger joined SysMech as Head of Product in March 2014. He now leads SysMech’s product team through research and development to launch and marketing. Mark takes two minutes to tell us a little bit more about his career, the Telco industry, working at SysMech and his tech and non-tech passions. Q1: You’ve had a really … Continued

Visualisation comes to town: Tableau on tour wraps up in London

Last week was the final stop of the Tableau on Tour conference – the largest data visualisation event in Europe. After visiting Sydney, The Hague and Munich, the tour wrapped up in London. Tableau on Tour brings the best of the North American programme to cities all round the world, with a focus on sharing … Continued