SysMech, Tableau Software & HP Vertica Present: The Vodafone UK Story and the Value of Real-Time Operational Analytics

–      Improving the Customer Experience through Operational Analytics

The launch of a new network is a massive event for any Telco operator – networks such as 4G deliver a notable change in performance for service providers and their customers but with these changes come increased complexity in the systems; to operate, monitor and manage the network. 4G networks are inherently multi-vendor and multi-technology, and managing a 4G network involves capturing, integrating and analysing data from a multiple management system.

Yesterday, there were numerous reports that Vodafone plans to spend £150 million, over three years, just on improving its network in London. Last week, Vodafone’s group networks director, Andy MacLeod, commented at Huawei’s Global Mobile Broadband Forum that Vodafone’s customers in Europe get a “pretty good experience” from 3G, HSPA and dual-carrier HSPA networks, but “that’s not good enough as we move forward.”

The first experience of the new technology is critical to a successful launch but monitoring customer experience and perception is complicated by the new paradigm of data volumes that are essential to monitor 4G usage, and its interaction with the underlying network. Fortunately, operational analytics can hold the answers to improving and maintaining a positive customer experience.

We will be delivering a joint webinar with Tableau Software and HP Vertica to explain just how Telco operators can manage new networks and ensure a positive customer experience. We discuss how we worked with Vodafone to achieve “Operational Readiness” ahead of its 4G launch – and why it relied on the SysMech Zen™ portfolio of products; powered by the HP Vertica Analytics Platform and Tableau Software.

In particular we will discuss the following points:


  • The IT challenges of deploying and managing 4G
  • Establishing a single pane view of an entire 4G network
  • Building a system to manage the end-to-end network
  • Operational Analytics – Vertica in the real world
  • Visualising the network to enable optimisation
  • Automating network actions- putting big data to use
  • Perform complex, real-time analysis to stay ahead of issues
  • Delivering an optimal customer experience and reducing churn

Please join us, HP Vertica, and Tableau Software for our webinar: Improving the customer experience by implementing real-time operational analytics: The Vodafone UK story on Tuesday 19th November at 16:00 GMT / 11:00 a.m ET.